Pro bono Cost Orders

  • 10/02/2017

The Access to Justice Foundation receives pro bono costs awarded in cases where the lawyers for the winning party were acting for free under s.194 Legal Services Act 2007.  If you provide free representation for a client, please ask the court to award pro bono costs. For more information, email [email protected]

It’s Not Just Peanuts!

Access To Justice Foundation says donate your dormant client account monies and help support access to justice Any funds you donate will help improve access to justice by providing the most vulnerable in society with access to free legal assistance.

Unclaimed client account balances are an administrative burden as they must be analysed and explained to auditors annually. Help your firm by clearing them from your balance sheet. It really is not just peanuts!

For more information, please click on our website  or follow us on twitter @Access2JusticeF using the hashtag #NotJustPeanuts  or email [email protected]